Self Expressed

Self Actualised 

for the woman ready to powerfully & authentically express her truth, ignite her infinite potential and actualise her desires.

a soul awakening pre-recorded program for women ready to re-claim their power

This is your space to remember your soul expression and access the parts of you that have been laying dormant unexpressed and unrevealed.


We are unleashing your true self, your boldest self, your most authentic self.


The universe doesn't want a watered down version of you, the small version of you. The universe wants the version of you who is tapped into her power, her essence, her truth, boldly claiming her desires and taking up space in this world.


And from this we place, we manifest it all. Together.

Does this sound like you?


You have big beautiful dreams for your life but you've been hiding from your power and not fully owning your greatness


You're done with people pleasing all over the place and you're ready to prioritise YOU. Your needs, your desires, your energy


The fear of judgement and of truly being seen has been overpowering you and stopping you from showing up boldly in this world 


You have dabbled in manifestation, but the whole “positive thinking” rhetoric feels basic and you're ready for more. The healing, the alignment, the unfolding. It's time unleash the fullest most authentic version of you

What's inside 

Self Expressed 

Self Actualised? 


5 potent pre-recorded trainings to ignite your power, potential and manifestations


5 healing and empowering module workbooks to integrate the teachings, wisdom and lessons for your expansion


25 exclusive goddess rituals to heal and manifest from the mind, body, soul, energy and beauty perspective. These are customised for each module

Module 1 

Building the Vision + Deep Alignment

In this module we take you on a journey of claiming your innate desires, building your vision and re-calibrating to your true alignment. 

module 2

The Release

In this module we provide you with the tools, teachings and practices to heal and re-wire self-sabotages and subconscious fears that have been keeping your personal power blocked. 

module 3


Self trust + Self belief 

Time to unlock the unwavering, unshakeable woman within you. We are ironing out the kinks and re-building your internal guidance system and queen like energy.

Module 4

Aligned Self-Expression

We are activating and balancing your throat chakra and heart chakra in this module, releasing the fear of judgment and opening up your channels for receiving. 

module 5 

Quantum Manifesting

In this module we are providing you with the tools to manifest your desires in the quantum. We are bringing this all together with energetic tools and principles to unlock your desires and actualise them in the material plane. 



For each module you'll be provided with goddess rituals for the mind, body, soul, energy and beauty. This will allow you to powerfully integrate and embody these teachings from a holistic perspective. Get ready to rock your inner goddess!

Hi beautiful, 

I'm Estelle

I’m here to fiercely guide you back to pure power and undeniable magnetism, by helping you access deep alignment, courage and your quantum super powers.

I'm a mama, female empowerment mentor, human design and manifestation guide and the host of podcast Fierce Female Radio.

I'm here for the heart centred women. The feelers, the warrior women who are ready to release old patterns and programs, stand unapologetically in their power and live a life of deep purpose, big dreams and expansion beyond measure. 

“Thank you so much Estelle for this amazing program. I've learnt to deeply accept myself, forgive myself and show myself compassion and kindness. This has allowed me to grow so much. This program is truly incredible. Thank you

Silvana D.

“Estelle gave me the tools, support & reassurance to let the next level version of myself be seen and heard. She helped me be aware of so many things that impacted the way I lived my life that had a large impact on my day, mood and relationship and most importantly how I see myself and that I can and have everything I dream of.

Natasha K.

“This program is so powerful and illumining. I have done the modules multiple times because there's just so much magic in them. This program has allowed me to heal my comparison tendencies, move through my anxieties and arrive at a place of deep self-love and acceptance. I know have the tools and power to consistently move forward towards my desires.

Michelle B.

“I took Estelle's program last year and I am STILL getting so much out of it. The best part is that Estelle has done all of the hard work in curating the rituals and practices to help us connect back to our soul, especially as this process can feel confusing and overwhelming sometimes. This is a program that has grown with me as I step deeper into my embodiment.

Chaturi T.

Are you ready to unleash the most self expressed you and actualise your deepest desires?


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